BUQUELAND carries out high altitude inspections, especially on offshore platforms in operation or maintenance, whether at anchor and/or in port, and on land-based wind towers.
Especially performs inspection of:
For this and in collaboration with other entities, it has personnel trained and certified by IRATA and GOW, in order to meet the requirements demanded by our clients for high altitude and vertical work.
Engineering and Integral Quality Systems in production processes in the industrial, naval, offshore, offshore wind, offshore wind, oil & gas, energy, infrastructure and civil works sectors, is the fundamental raison d’être of our organization as a European Quality Engineering Company.
Recinto interior Zona Franca
Edif. Melkart 1ª p. oficina 24
C.P.11011 Cádiz – Spain
Phone: 956 564 742
Email: buqueland@buqueland.com
Calle San Salvador 3, Entresuelo Exterior
C.P.15500 Perlío-Fene
(A Coruña – Spain)
Phone: 981 34 30 25
Email: buquelandnorte@buqueland.com